March is usually a good time of year. It heralds the arrival of spring, and the skies of Macunia begin to brighten. We emerge, blinking, from our grey slumbers, marvelling at all the colours in the world.
I was getting into my dollmaking stride with the whole spring theme. Lambkin and Benji (not forgetting Carrots) had already wended their way to forever homes.
Teeny wee Jenny and Niblet had also sold very quickly.
I have a basket of gorgeous Liberty spring flowers-clad kitty cats waiting for their finishing touches.

I was on a roll.
What it still is, however, is damp—that earthy, mossy dampness that I love. So when I strolled out into the yard to take out our little home compost bin, I wasn’t thinking how I should have changed out of my crepe-soled shoes for this task and maybe donned my more grippy Birkies. Instead, I admired the blue sky and the verdant yard flowers coming into bloom. I lost my footing and slid (I like to imagine balletically) on the damp York paving, instinctively putting my hand out to stop my fall.
The deed was done, and with much inelegant, frustrated wailing from me, we headed to A&E. After a few hours, I was all for going home, but Al was right all along, and the nurse suspected a broken Scaphoid. Fast-forward to just past teatime, and we pootled home with my arm in plaster. It is my right wrist, not my left, but it still makes sewing very awkward, and any scissors larger than embroidery ones are impossible.

So now I was stuck.
I have a minimum of two weeks to fill. I needed something productive to occupy my time. Aha—the perfect time to look at my poor, beleaguered blog.
My blog had fallen when I had cancer. I lost it when my business account closed, and I hadn’t backed it up properly.
I have so much I want to do with this website, and I have loads of notes for things I will add. But for now, I want to get my doll archives and blogposts back on track. That is a huge number of dolls; my blog layout was also a mess. I spent most of this week feeling overwhelmed and a little depressed.
Fortunately, our eldest daughter has just come home from university. She has whizzed through many formatting tasks that I found confusing and set up a legacy archive for my earlier dolls!
Here we are. I can make new posts and rummage around for things to add to the legacy section. I hope you will find things here that bring you joy and maybe inspire you. It should keep me busy, at least until this cast comes off!
Thank you for all the lovely comments and messages of support I have had on social media since falling over. It means a lot to me—love, love.
2 responses to “The Heralds of Spring and Compost Bins”
You poor love! Sending healing wishes from across the ocean. I’m glad you’re getting help with your online endeavours. Isn’t it great having grown offspring with that kind of capacity?! Love your dolls and the imaginative, detailed work that goes into each one. <3
Hi Stephanie, thank you so much for your lovely comments! Yes, it’s beautiful that the children who were always enthusiastic about my creative endeavours are also very adept at helping with these things. Technology moves fast, and I am glad they are keeping up and willing to help.
I am so glad you enjoy my dolls; I love making them.
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