Oh, my, this kitty was a labour of love. I started making him in May last year, but I stalled utterly when it came to his hat and ruff. Then I found this pretty lace which I mixed with the Ivory tulle, and he seemed to finish with a flourish.
Pierrot is a 14″ kitty doll. I made him from ivory quilters cotton, with Japanese linen legs in an unbleached white with a whimsical pattern of fruit trees and little birds with bow ties.
His face is hand-stitched with black wool felt eyes and black embroidery cotton and a silver tear satin stitched in metallic silver thread. On his paws is my signature satin stitched heart and star. He has a soft blush to his cheeks.
Pierrot has a removable outfit of white pantaloons and a long sleeve chemise made from a very soft draping cotton voile. His chemise has hand sewn rosettes in deep red cotton on the front.
Around his neck, he wears a ruffle made from several layers of soft tulle with a top layer edged in vintage lace trim. He has a hat made from wool felt which has a black blanket stitch along the edge.

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